Restless Legs, Pain During Sex, Libido, Insomnia, and Pimples Treated with Homeopathy in Geelong.12/5/2023 Disclaimer: You should always seek advice from your Doctor first for any medical condition. All clients in case studies have agreed to have their case details published, however their names have been changed for privacy purposes. Case Study 6
Her body was exhausted and run down and this is what we needed to work on first so that she was able to exercise properly to lose the weight.
Some of the more severe symptoms as described by Chelsea were weekly headaches, waking up perspiring heavily every night, insomnia with restless legs, even though she was taking a magnesium supplement, no libido with pain during sex, along with very dry hair and skin. If you skip to the bottom of this case study you can see the severity of Chelsea’s symptoms at the current time, in comparison to her initial ratings. Below are a list of Chelsea’s symptoms and how severe she rated them out of 10 when she first attended the clinic. 2/12/22 Hard to lose weight Cholesterol changes lots Dry skin all over 6-7/10 with moisturizing Heaviness in belly 8/10 Pain during sex 4-5/10 Insomnia waking between 8-9/10 - 2-4am until 5-6am 3 weeks out of 4 Restless legs 5-6/10 5x per week with magnesium No libido 10/10 Tendency to be depressed with period 5/10 Back pain with period 5/10 Cysts on ovaries Bloating 2xper week 7/10 Dry hair 8/10 Dandruff inconsistent 5/10 Headaches 1-2x per week 3-7/10 Sneeze, itchy eyes & Cough in mornings - spring 7/10 every morning, winter 2/10 1x per 3 weeks Hearing weaker and wax build up 6/10 Sinus infections with every cold Throat sore in mornings if blocked up Worse with milk Wake up at night feeling hot and perspiring every night 7/10 Cystic pimples 5/10 with period After assessing Chelsea’s face, coupled with taking all her symptoms into account, I selected Caust 30c as a homeopathic remedy to be taken once a day and to follow up with me in a months time. Results At the one month follow-up Chelsea had some decent improvement with the heaviness in her belly, and a little improvement with the pain during sex, however her sleep had become worse and her headaches had gradually been getting worse, to the point of nearly becoming a migraine. She told me she stopped the remedy on her own at around 3.5 weeks, and the headaches subsided. Then she re-commenced taking the remedy and the headache started returning so she stopped again. This is exactly what I would have advised Chelsea to do in her case had she asked me, and we now knew this was not the correct remedy for Chelsea. This is why we begin with a small dose in case my remedy selection is incorrect, when stopping the remedy any negative symptoms are quick to resolve. After considering Chelsea’s case again I now advised her to try Mag-m 30c. Results after another month Chelsea found this remedy to be better, with some good improvements in some areas. Below are Chelsea’s ratings Lost half a kg (was Hard to lose weight still) Dry skin 5/10 (was 6-7/10 with moisturizing) Heaviness in belly 1-2/10 (was 8/10) Pain during is ok, but after feels bruised for 2-3 days (was 4-5/10) Insomnia waking 4/10 by going to bed after 12 IF GO TO BED EARLY STILL WAKE UP (was between 8-9/10 - 2-4am until 5-6am 3 weeks out of 4) Waking unrefreshed NEW 8/10 Restless legs 3/10 1x week (was 5-6/10 5x per week with magnesium) No libido 8/10 (was 10/10) Tendency to be depressed with period – STILL SAME (was 5/10) Bloating 3/10 @ just with period (was 2xper week 7/10) Dry hair 7/10 (was 8/10) Dandruff inconsistent 2/10 (was 5/10) Headaches None only with hayfever (was 1-2x per week 3-7/10) Sneeze, itchy eyes & Cough in mornings - 5/10 and 2-3x in month (was spring 7/10 every morning, winter 2/10 1x per 3 weeks) Hearing weaker and wax build up 4/10 (was 6/10) No colds, right sinus blocked up last 2 days though (was Throat sore in mornings if blocked up - Less sinus congestion but still wake up sneezing and watery eyes) Wake up at night feeling hot and perspiring - 1/10 sometimes after eating or drinking (was every night was 7/10) Cystic pimples 1/10 (was 5/10 with period) Because Chelsea was doing well on this remedy I suggested we increase the same remedy to 2x per day, and to follow up with me in another month. Results Next Month Next month when I saw Chelsea for her follow-up she said she had been feeling pretty emotional / sad / angry in the last month which was out of character for her. Her teenage stepson had been really getting on her nerves, but it was affecting her more than usual. Her doctor had sent her for a scan which showed her endometriosis had come back and she felt very disappointed about his also. Some of Chelsea’s symptoms had improved further, but others had slipped back, plus being extra emotional with this double dose meant that this remedy had done all it could for her, but it was time to move to a new remedy. The next remedy that was indicated for Chelsea, as guided by the computer software and her facial analysis was mag-c 30c. I told Chelsea to take this remedy one time a day. Results Next Month Even though I told Chelsea to take this remedy one time a day, and wrote this on the instructions on the bottle, she misunderstood or was confused and took it 2x per day she told me at the next follow-up. However her results had been remarkable and she was improving well in all areas. With such good results I told Chelsea to continue with 2x per day for the following month. Results Next Month At the next month Chelsea was very pleased with her progress, she said she was feeling great, while sounding confident and happy. She said her immune system must have been working better too because everybody in her household had gotten sick except her. She had been getting a few hot flushes though which were pretty annoying. Chelsea had her own homeopathic first aid kit at home and had heard that Puls was a good remedy for hot flushes. She tried taking the Puls 30c and it greatly relieved her flushes. Below are Chelseas symptoms as she rated them at our most recent consult. 28/4/23 Dry skin GONE (was 6-7/10 with moisturizing) Heaviness in belly TOTALLY GONE - doesn't even notice anything when should get period (was 8/10) Pain during sex - GONE (was 4-5/10) Insomnia - Very good Only 2-3 nights in the month wake up for 1 hr and go back to sleep, even going to bed between 10-11 instead of after 12. (was between 8-9/10 - 2-4am until 5-6am 3 weeks out of 4) Waking unrefreshed 1/10 and rare (WAS 8/10) Restless legs GONE (was 5-6/10 5x per week with magnesium) No libido - 4/10 (was 10/10) Tendency to be depressed with period GONE (was 5/10) Back pain with period - NO BACK PAIN AT ALL (was 5/10) Bloating GONE (was 2xper week 7/10) Dry hair GONE (was 8/10 SAME) Dandruff inconsistant GONE (was SAME 5/10) Headaches STILL GONE (was 1-2x per week 3-7/10) Sneeze, itchy eyes & Cough in mornings - GONE (was spring 7/10 every morning, winter 2/10 1x per 3 weeks) Hearing weaker and wax build up 4/10 (was 6/10) Household all got sick but Chelsea didn't was very happy immune system is stronger (was Sinus infections with every cold) Sneezing and watery eyes GONE (was Throat sore in mornings if blocked up - Less sinus congestion but still wake up sneezing and watery eyes) Wake up at night feeling hot and perspiring - Do feel hot when wake up but rare. (was every night was 7/10) Cystic pimples - Had none, however do have some pimples but after taking new supplement recently only. Chelsea thought it was linked to that. (was 5/10 with period) NEW 28/4/23 - Hot flushes 4-5x during the day, not sure about when sleeping. 8/10 Lasting for 7 minutes. (Did have before probably 2-3x per day lasting 3 minutes). Chelsea found Puls 30 from her home kit helped relieve hot flushes when they were really bad. NEW 31/3/23 - In the last month been feeling pretty emotional. - 3/10 (was 10/10.) Using natural homeopathic medicine we were able to help support Chelsea’s body to be able to heal it’s self. Unfortunately she hasn’t lost any weight as of yet, but she said she feels stronger and more able to exercise, she had just started riding her bike again. In coming months we expect she should improve further, become stronger still and be able to exercise more rigorously to help lose the weight. I aim to add to this case study in the future, but this is a good case to show the progress of Chelsea’s general health in a few months with a range of symptoms with natural remedies. The remedies are cheap, costing only $10 for a month’s supply, and being completely safe with no chemical side effects or interactions with western medicine in over 200 years of use, Homeopathy is a terrific choice for chronic health complaints. If you would like an appointment for Homeopathy in Geelong you can use our easy Online Booking System here.
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Louis Attard