Treatment for Hip PainIf one is to ignore hip pain and continue activities that cause pain, after time, hip issues tend to progressively get worse, and the pain can become more severe. As with most injuries, earlier treatment leads to faster recovery times.
Using Bowen Therapy we work to correct the alignment of the hip and surrounding structures to correct the underlying cause of hip pain. Since the hips are the base that holds your entire upper body, it is important that they are aligned correctly to prevent compensations and associated pain higher in the body, You can read some reviews from our clients on the Review page here, or Book Online here for a Treatment for Hip Pain in Geelong with Bowen Therapy. We're open till 9pm on weekdays and Saturday.
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You can read some reviews from Louis's clients on the Review page here, or Book Online here for a Treatment for Back Pain in Geelong with Bowen Therapy. We're open till 9pm on weekdays and Saturday.
What is Arthritis?
What Causes Arthritis?Cartilage is the hard coating found at the end of the bones which meet at a joint. Due to wear and tear of the cartilage, those diagnosed with Osteoarthritis have a situation where their bones are grinding against one another when the joint is being moved which can result in restricted movement of the affected joint and pain. Normally this occurs with age, over years, but there can be a sudden onset after an injury as well. For those suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, the body’s immune system attacks the lining present in the joint capsule. This is a tough membrane that encloses the entire joint and is known as the synovial membrane which provides lubrication to the joint. When it becomes inflamed, the bone and cartilage of the affected joint can become damaged through the un-lubricated grinding of the adjoining bones as the joint moves. Family history, age, sex and previous joint injuries are various factors that can predispose someone towards Arthritis. When to Seek Treatment for Arthritis?With rheumatoid arthritis, the earlier one seeks treatment the better. Since the lack of synovial fluid in the joint is causing a lot of wear and tear to the cartilage within the joint, the earlier proper functioning is restored to the joint, the less structural damage that will be sustained to the cartilage and bony structures within the joint. Bowen Therapy can be very effective, as it works through the body's fascial system, an extension of the nervous system to help correct the root cause - the nervous system attacking the lining of the joints.
If one is suffering from osteoarthritis, Bowen Therapy is unable to restore the damaged joint cartilage or underlying bone damage, however it can be effective at relieving the pain associated with osteoarthritis as well as improve joint functionality and mobility. Other treatment options that may be offered by a doctor to provide relief from joint pain and functionality are analgesics which can relieve pain but not provide any relief from inflammation, or NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) that can be prescribed that target both symptoms. NSAIDs may have side-effects though, like increasing your risk of heart attacks or stroke. Creams and ointments can also be applied to help alleviate symptoms caused by Arthritis. Corticosteroids may also be administered to suppress the immune system. When conservative measure prove to be ineffective. Surgery can involve joint repair where the surfaces of joints are made smooth to improve function, joint replacement like that of the hips or knees or joint fusion for smaller joints to stop the joint moving all together. You can read some reviews from Louis's Bowen Therapy clients on the Review page here, or Book Online here for a Bowen Therapy Treatment for Arthritis in Geelong. We're open till 9pm weekdays and Saturday. What is Hip (Trochanteric) Bursitis?
What causes Hip (Trochanteric) Bursitis? Trochanteric Bursitis can be caused by repetitive trauma through excessive walking, running or cycling, where muscles or tendons have been rubbing over the Trochanteric Bursa causing too much friction. If posture, gait or running technique is incorrect, the Bursa is more likely to become inflamed since the muscles or tendons will not be rubbing over the Bursa as they should. A fall or sudden impact through sports may also damage the Bursa and cause Hip Bursitis. Other diseases such as arthritis, calcium deposits in the tendons, weak hip muscles or a tight ITB that leads to improper posture can also cause Trochanteric Bursitis. When to Seek Treatment for Hip Bursitis? As with most conditions, earlier treatment will allow a faster recovery and reduce the chance of re-occurance. Also, as somebody with hip pain starts to walk differently, other parts of their body (ie. back) can go out of alignment too from improper gait. Bowen Treatment for bursas may be very effective at reducing the pain, and significantly improve the rate of healing. Without treatment and continuing the activity that is aggravating the bursa, the pain will likely get worse. Tendons or muscles rubbing over a damaged bursa that no longer provides protection or lubrication may also become damaged. You can read some reviews from our clients on the Review page here, or Book Online here for a Bowen Therapy Treatment for Hip Bursitis in Geelong. We're open till 9pm on weekdays and Saturday.
What is Sciatica?
When to Seek Treatment for Sciatica ?If you are experiencing sciatic pain, it's best to seek treatment earlier rather than later, since early treatment facilitates a speedy recovery. Leaving sciatic pain untreated for extended periods increases recovery time, as well as contributing to new musculo-skeletal problems. As people start getting in the habit of walking with a limp to accommodate their sciatic pain it starts throwing other parts of the body out, and creating additional problems.
You can read Reviews from our clients here, or Book Online here for a Bowen Therapy Treatment for Sciatica in Geelong. We're open till 9pm weekdays and Saturday. |
Louis Attard